![]() We are pleased to announce that the HAICTA 2022 Proceedings are now available and citable online! They are accessible through the CEUR Workshop Proceedings (indexed in SCOPUS) at https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3293/ We have also created an ebook of the Proceedings, if you prefer it that way. You can find it in our online repository alongside all other available Volumes from past HAICTA conferences at https://www.haicta.gr/ebooks.html Please note that no more changes/corrections are allowed to be made to the proceedings. Thank you once again for being a part of HAICTA 2022 and we hope to see you at HAICTA 2024! Make sure to follow us on our Social Media pages too (Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube) in order to catch up with everything HAICTA related! The 10th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2022), organized by the Hellenic Association for ICT in Agriculture, Food & Environment (HAICTA) in Athens, Greece, during September 22 to 25, 2022, was completed with great success at the Crowne Plaza Athens City Centre. This was the 2nd Conference of the series where the participants had the opportunity to present their work both in person and online via teleconferencing, as well as through e-posters. In total, 117 scientific papers from 21 countries were presented. All three days of the Conference were broadcasted live through the official YouTube channel of HAICTA. Over 93 people attended the Conference in person, while the three broadcasts on YouTube gained over 445 views in total. We warmly thank all the participants, as well as the three keynote speakers, professors Lynn Dicks from University of Cambridge, Mariska Van der Voort from Wageningen University and Spyros Fountas from Agricultural University of Athens for the high level of their presentations. Also, we would like to thank our sponsors, Diamantis Masoutis SA, Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, Hellenic Agricultural Organization (HAO) – Demeter, AgroApps PC, ScientAct SA, Milkplan and Marathon Data Systems.
PR & Communications Chair Thomas Kappas Photography by Leonidas-Sotirios Kyrgiakos and Elias Tsourapas
We are pleased to announce that one of the Journals that will host a Special Issue for selected papers from HAICTA 2022 will be "Electronics", an Open Access Journal by MDPI. The Special Issue will be titled "Advances in the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) and IoT in the Primary Sector".
The main objective of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO)-DIMITRA is the development and support of actions aiming at the modernization and development of the agricultural sector of Greece, the improvement of production processes, the strengthening of competitiveness, the certification of quality agricultural products and food, the establishment and certification of correct agricultural practices.
ELGO-DIMITRA is a Silver Sponsor of HAICTA 2022. AgroApps was founded in 2015 by a team of experienced agronomists, experts in remote sensing and numerical weather forecasting, as well as IT specialists, who had a deep understanding of the agricultural sector and saw the growing need for technological support and for effective forward-thinking IT solutions.
AgroApps team has developed a set of ICT solutions that address real life challenges touching upon the benefits of sustainable agriculture and the complex farm management decision-making process. Our solutions help the agricultural stakeholders protect and improve their operations, guide more informed agricultural decisions and get the most out of their land. AgroApps is a Silver Sponsor of HAICTA 2022. The deadline for late registration for Conference Authors and Early Researchers is on September 4th, 2022, 23:59 GMT. If you belong in one of these two categories, please make sure to register online until then in order for your paper to be included to the Conference Programme and the Proceedings.
HOW TO REGISTER Go to https://2022.haicta.gr/registration.html and select the type of registration (i.e. Conference Author, Early Researcher, etc). Read the instructions provided and fill out the online registration form. You'll have to attach the payment receipt as well, so make sure that you have made the bank transfer with the required amount before registering. After registering allow an up to 24 hours confirmation from our side. If you won't receive a confirmation email after that time, please try to register again or contact us directly. Registrations for Accompanying Person, Conference Participant and Student Attendee are not affected by this deadline and can be done until September 22, 2022. We are pleased to announce that one of the Journals that will host a Special Issue for selected papers from HAICTA 2022 will be "Water", an Open Access Journal by MDPI. The Special Issue will be titled "How Does Agricultural Water Resources Management Adapt to Climate Change?".
Milkplan is a 100% Greek company operating in the field of manufacturing and marketing of livestock equipment, milk transportation and cooling tanks, cooling systems and technological applications for livestock units. It holds a leading position in Greece and ranks among the biggest companies in the international market of livestock equipment, with its export network expanding to 81 countries worldwide and its export rate reaching 85% of its turnover. With continued investment in infrastructure and human capital, Milkplan develops new technologically advanced products and carries out specific projects to suit the requirements of each project that calls for personalization and customization. With advanced industrial know-how and fully certified production process, Milkplan offers integrated solutions for the construction and smooth operation of a modern livestock unit, supporting the livestock farmer / dairy farmer / cheese-maker in every effort, from facilitating the daily work to enhancing the unit's growth rate.
Milkplan is a Silver Sponsor of HAICTA 2022. We would like to announce that a second Special Issue at MDPI Sustainability Journal, called "Digital transformation of Agriculture and Rural Areas" will host selected papers from HAICTA 2022.
The Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOTEE) is a public service that aims to expand and promote scientific knowledge in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, fisheries and the management of mineral and water resources, in an effort to intervene. and guiding development in the above areas. GEOTEE is the legislator of the state in matters of economic and social development of the countryside and always tries to take into account the factor "environment", its respect and protection.
GEOTEE is a Silver Sponsor of HAICTA 2022. |