Basic Guidelines for the preparation of the Manuscripts
Authors wishing to submit a contribution should consider the following guidelines:
Initial Submission
Strictly use the following Microsoft Word templates for your submissions. Use the "template-abstract" if you'll submit an abstract or use the "template-short" if you'll submit a short or a doctoral consortium or an industrial paper. In case of poster, at least an abstract is required to be submitted.
IMPORTANT: Papers must be submitted in PDF format. Papers submitted not using the templates, will be automatically rejected.
Camera Ready Submission
The same templates as the initial submission should be used according your type of submission. Take note that the Word file must be submitted as well alongside the PDF.
IMPORTANT: The Word file of the camera ready paper must be submitted as well alongside the PDF.
What you need to know by type of submission:
Abstracts must be in English and consist of 400-600 words. They should be submitted in PDF format.
Short Papers
Short papers must be in English and consist of max. 2.000 words. References and figures won't count among the size limit. They should be submitted in PDF format.
Doctoral Consortium Papers
Contributions of max. 2.000 words are accepted. The same format as for short papers applies.
Industry Papers
For developers and implementers of novel technology in the fields of ICT in Agriculture. For business and industry representatives using, developing or deploying ICT in Agriculture. Papers of this type should be max. 2.000 words, written in English. References and figures won't count among the size limit.
Posters will be presented in electronic form consecutively (one after another) through TV, throughout the entire duration of the Conference. The poster size to be submitted must be in an aspect ratio of 16:9 (at least 1920 x 1080 in pixels) and must include text that is readable through TV. The file must be in either PNG or JPEG format.
IMPORTANT: An Abstract must be submitted alongside the Poster, by using the appropriate template given above (see "Initial Submission").
We plan to upload all posters on the website as well, in an area where they will be freely accessible for viewing. When you send your e-poster please indicate if for any reason you do not want your poster to be accessible from the Conference website
The proceedure:
- Papers will be accepted after double blind review process by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. To accommodate the double blind review process preferably submit a PDF file with your contribution.
- HAICTA 2022 review will be double blind. Therefore, please anonymise your submission. This means that all submissions must have no author identifying information (your contact details will be recorded in the Conference Management System). Do not put the author(s) names or affiliation(s), and try to "anonymise" citations to your own prior work in your submission.
- Camera-ready accepted papers will be reviewed before final acceptance for oral/poster presentation to ensure conformance to reviewers comments.
- All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings*
- Authors will choose the preferred means of presentation: Oral or e-Poster.
IMPORTANT: *At least one registration for each accepted paper must be confirmed before it can be included in the Conference Proceedings.
How to Submit
An Online Submission System has been set up for paper submission. Click on the following button to connect and submit your paper.